Ten definitive ways Putin is losing in Ukraine

**1. Russian troops are demoralized**

Russian soldiers are reportedly surrendering in droves, and the morale of those who remain is said to be low. This is due in part to the fact that the Russian military has been poorly prepared for the war, and its soldiers have been sent into battle without adequate supplies or training.

**2. The Russian military is suffering heavy losses**

The Russian military has lost thousands of soldiers, tanks, and aircraft in Ukraine. These losses have put a significant strain on the Russian military, and it is unclear whether it will be able to sustain them for much longer.

**3. The Russian economy is in shambles**

The Russian economy has been crippled by sanctions imposed by the West. These sanctions have caused the ruble to plummet in value, and they have made it difficult for Russia to import goods and services. The Russian economy is now on the brink of collapse.

**4. Russia is increasingly isolated internationally**

Russia has been condemned by the international community for its invasion of Ukraine. The United Nations has passed a resolution condemning the invasion, and many countries have imposed sanctions on Russia. Russia is now more isolated than it has been in decades.

**5. Putin’s popularity is plummeting**

Putin’s popularity in Russia has plummeted since the invasion of Ukraine. A recent poll found that only 30% of Russians approve of Putin’s performance as president. This is a significant drop from the 80% approval rating that Putin enjoyed before the war.

**6. The Russian people are starting to turn against Putin**

The Russian people are starting to turn against Putin as they see the devastating impact of the war in Ukraine. There have been protests against the war in cities across Russia, and there are reports that some Russian officials are planning to overthrow Putin.

**7. The war is a quagmire for Russia**

The war in Ukraine is a quagmire for Russia. The Russian military is bogged down in a bloody conflict that it cannot win. The longer the war continues, the more damage it will do to the Russian military and the Russian economy.

**8. Ukraine is winning the war**

Ukraine is winning the war against Russia. The Ukrainian military has repelled the Russian invasion, and it is now counterattacking. The Ukrainian people are determined to defend their country, and they are receiving support from the West.

**9. Russia is running out of options**

Russia is running out of options in Ukraine. The military is bogged down, the economy is collapsing, and the people are turning against Putin. Russia is facing a humiliating defeat in Ukraine.

**10. Putin’s legacy will be tarnished**

Putin’s legacy will be tarnished by the war in Ukraine. He will be remembered as the leader who led Russia into a disastrous war that caused the deaths of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians. He will also be remembered as the leader who isolated Russia from the international community and destroyed the Russian economy..

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