Hong Kong’s grim choice: Chinese Communist Party influence versus national security

**Hong Kong’s grim choice: Chinese Communist Party influence versus national security**

[Link to article](https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiPWh0dHA6Ly9oZWFsdGgucGVvcGxlLmNvbS5jbi9uMS8yMDE5LzExMTMvYzE0NzM5LTMxNDUzNjUyLmh0bWzSAQA?hl=zh-CN&gl=CN&ceid=CN%3Azh-Hans)

Hong Kong is at a crossroads. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is tightening its grip on the city, and Hong Kongers are facing a stark choice: accept Beijing’s rule or fight for their freedoms.

The CCP has been chipping away at Hong Kong’s autonomy for years. In 2014, it imposed a new electoral system that ensured that only pro-Beijing candidates could be elected to the city’s legislature. In 2019, it imposed a national security law that has been used to crack down on dissent. And in 2020, it imposed a new education curriculum that is designed to indoctrinate students with CCP propaganda.

The CCP’s actions have sparked widespread anger and resentment in Hong Kong. In 2019, the city was rocked by months of pro-democracy protests. The protests were eventually crushed by the police, but they showed that there is a deep well of support for democracy in Hong Kong.

The CCP is determined to crush all opposition to its rule. It has arrested dozens of pro-democracy activists and has forced many others to flee the city. It has also closed down independent media outlets and has tightened its control over the internet.

Hong Kongers are facing a difficult choice. They can either accept the CCP’s rule and give up their freedoms, or they can fight for their democracy. If they choose to fight, they will face a difficult and dangerous struggle. But if they succeed, they will be able to preserve their city’s unique identity and way of life.

The future of Hong Kong is uncertain. But one thing is clear: the CCP is determined to destroy the city’s democracy. Hong Kongers must now decide whether they are willing to fight for their freedoms or to give up their city without a fight.

**The CCP’s influence on Hong Kong**

The CCP has been increasing its influence over Hong Kong for years. In 2012, Xi Jinping, the CCP’s general secretary, said that China would .

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