North Korea says it fired two more missiles toward the sea

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea on Monday said it fired two more ballistic missiles toward the sea, the latest in a recent barrage of weapons tests that have heightened tensions with its neighbors and drawn international condemnation..

The launches came two days after North Korea fired a powerful new intercontinental ballistic missile that experts say is designed to carry multiple warheads, potentially increasing the North’s ability to evade missile defenses..

The South Korean military said the two missiles fired Monday flew about 250 kilometers (155 miles) at a maximum altitude of 50 kilometers (31 miles) before landing in the sea. The Japanese government also confirmed the launches, saying the missiles didn’t reach Japan’s exclusive economic zone..

North Korea’s state media said the launches were part of a “regular and planned” military exercise aimed at bolstering the country’s “war deterrence.” The report said the missiles were fired from a site in South Pyongan province, which is home to several missile bases..

The launches drew swift condemnation from South Korea, Japan and the United States. South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said the North’s actions were a “grave provocation” that violated U.N. Security Council resolutions. Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called the launches “unacceptable.”.

The U.S. State Department said the launches were a “clear violation” of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions and posed a “serious threat to international peace and security.” The department said the United States would continue to work with its allies and partners to hold North Korea accountable for its actions..

The latest launches come amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea has conducted an unprecedented number of missile tests this year, including the launch of its new intercontinental ballistic missile on Saturday. The North has also threatened to conduct a seventh nuclear test, which would be its first since 2017..

The international community has condemned North Korea’s actions and called on it to stop its weapons tests and return to dialogue. However, North Korea has rebuffed these calls, saying that it will continue to develop its nuclear and missile programs until the United States and its allies stop their “hostile policies” toward the North..

Experts say the North’s recent missile tests are a sign that the country is making progress in its nuclear and missile programs. They say the North’s new intercontinental ballistic missile is a significant advancement, as it could potentially allow the North to target the United States with multiple nuclear warheads..

The North’s actions have raised concerns about the possibility of a new arms race in the region. South Korea and Japan have both announced plans to increase their defense spending in response to the North’s threats. The United States has also said that it will continue to work with its allies and partners to deter North Korea from further provocations..

The situation on the Korean Peninsula is complex and there is no easy solution. However, the international community must continue to work together to prevent the North from further destabilizing the region. Dialogue and diplomacy are the only way to achieve a lasting and peaceful resolution to the North Korean nuclear issue..

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