Google Expands Its News Showcase to More Countries

Google is expanding its News Showcase to more countries, bringing the total to 12. The expansion includes France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Poland, Italy, and Australia.

News Showcase is a service that allows news publishers to create custom content for Google News and Google Search. Publishers can choose which stories to include in News Showcase, and they can also add additional context and visuals to their articles. Google News users can access News Showcase content by clicking on the ‘News Showcase’ tab in the Google News app or by searching for specific publishers via Google Search.

Google says that News Showcase has been a success so far, with publishers seeing an increase in traffic and engagement. The company is also planning to add new features to News Showcase in the future, such as the ability for publishers to sell subscriptions and merchandise through the platform.

The expansion of News Showcase to more countries is a sign of Google’s commitment to supporting the news industry. The company has faced criticism in recent years for its role in the decline of traditional news media, but News Showcase is a step in the right direction. By giving publishers a way to reach new audiences and generate revenue, Google is helping to ensure the future of journalism.

Here are some additional details about the expansion of News Showcase:

* In France, Google has partnered with 13 publishers, including Le Monde, Le Figaro, and Libération..

* In Germany, Google has partnered with 15 publishers, including Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, and Bild..

* In Brazil, Google has partnered with 10 publishers, including Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, and UOL..

* In Argentina, Google has partnered with 8 publishers, including La Nación, Clarín, and Infobae..

* In the Netherlands, Google has partnered with 10 publishers, including De Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad, and AD..

* In Austria, Google has partnered with 6 publishers, including Der Standard, Die Presse, and Kurier..

* In Switzerland, Google has partnered with 5 publishers, including Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Tages-Anzeiger, and Blick..

* In the Czech Republic, Google has partnered with 5 publishers, including, Aktuálně.cz, and Hospodářské noviny..

* In Belgium, Google has partnered with 4 publishers, including De Morgen, De Standaard, and Het Nieuwsblad..

* In Poland, Google has partnered with 5 publishers, including Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita, and Fakt..

* In Italy, Google has partnered with 10 publishers, including Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, and Il Sole 24 Ore..

* In Australia, Google has partnered with 7 publishers, including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, and The Australian..

Google says that it is committed to expanding News Showcase to even more countries in the future..

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