In Shanghai’s Lockdown, a Harsh Reality Faces Foreigners

SHANGHAI, China — When the Chinese government announced an indefinite lockdown of Shanghai to contain its worst COVID-19 outbreak, foreign residents initially thought it would be similar to the short, strict lockdowns they had already endured for two years..

But a month later, the outlook in China’s largest city has become increasingly bleak. Food is scarce. Medical care is difficult to access. And people are increasingly desperate..

“I’m starting to get really scared,” said Emily, a 26-year-old Canadian who has lived in Shanghai for three years and asked to be identified only by her first name for fear of government retaliation. “I don’t know how much longer we can last.”.

Emily’s predicament is shared by tens of thousands of foreigners living in Shanghai, who now find themselves caught in the crosshairs of China’s strict “zero-COVID” policy. Under the policy, authorities have locked down entire cities and neighborhoods, conducted mass testing and imposed strict quarantine measures in an attempt to eliminate all traces of the virus..

But the policy has come at a great cost. The lockdown has disrupted supply chains, leading to shortages of food and other essential goods. Hospitals are overwhelmed, and medical care has become difficult to access. And the lack of clear information from the government has left people feeling anxious and uncertain..

“We’re in a state of limbo,” said Justin, a 32-year-old American who has lived in Shanghai for five years and asked to be identified only by his first name. “We don’t know when the lockdown will end, we don’t know how much longer we can hold out, and we don’t know what’s going to happen to us.”.

The foreign community in Shanghai is a diverse one, with people from all over the world. But many are now united by a sense of frustration and fear..

“I’ve never experienced anything like this before,” said Julia, a 28-year-old German who has lived in Shanghai for two years. “I feel like I’m trapped in a nightmare.”.

The lockdown has also had a significant impact on the foreign business community in Shanghai. Many businesses have been forced to close, and others are struggling to operate..

“The lockdown is a disaster,” said David, a 45-year-old British businessman who has lived in Shanghai for 10 years. “I’ve lost millions of dollars, and I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.”.

The foreign community in Shanghai is now calling on the Chinese government to provide more support and information. They are also asking for a timeline for the end of the lockdown and for more clarity on the government’s plans for the future..

“We need to know what’s going to happen,” said Emily. “We can’t live in this state of uncertainty forever.”.

The Chinese government has said that it is committed to supporting foreigners during the lockdown. But it has also warned that the lockdown may continue for an extended period of time..

“We understand that the lockdown is difficult,” said a spokesperson for the Shanghai Municipal Government. “But we ask for everyone’s understanding and cooperation as we work to bring the outbreak under control.”.

For now, the foreign community in Shanghai is left waiting and hoping for an end to the lockdown. But as each day passes, their patience is wearing thin..

“I don’t know how much longer I can take this,” said Justin. “I just want to go home.”.

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