Beijing Warns Biden Not to ‘Make Waves’ Over Taiwan

BEIJING — President Biden and President Xi Jinping of China held a two-hour phone call on Thursday, a conversation that U.S. officials said helped ease concerns in Washington about potential Chinese aggression toward Taiwan..

The call followed heightened tensions between the two countries after Mrs. Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last week. China was angered by the trip, which it saw as a violation of its sovereignty..

During the call, Mr. Xi warned Mr. Biden that “those who play with fire will get burned,” according to a readout of the call released by the Chinese Foreign Ministry. He also said that the United States should “not have any illusions” about China’s “firm resolve and strong ability” to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity..

Mr. Biden, for his part, emphasized the importance of maintaining open lines of communication and preventing misunderstandings. He also said that the United States does not want a conflict with China, and that it is committed to the “one China” policy, which recognizes Beijing as the sole government of China..

The call was the first between Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi since May, and it came at a time of heightened tensions between the two countries. In addition to the Taiwan issue, the two leaders also discussed a range of other issues, including climate change, trade and global security..

U.S. officials said that the call was “productive” and that it helped to reduce tensions between the two countries. They also said that the call was a sign of the Biden administration’s commitment to engaging with China diplomatically..

However, it remains to be seen whether the call will have any lasting impact on the relationship between the United States and China. The two countries remain deeply divided on a range of issues, and there is no guarantee that the two leaders will be able to resolve their differences..

The call between Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi was a significant development, but it is too early to say what the long-term impact will be. The two countries remain deeply divided on a range of issues, and it is unclear whether the two leaders will be able to resolve their differences..

However, the call does show that both sides are interested in maintaining open lines of communication. This is a positive step, and it could help to prevent misunderstandings and conflict in the future..

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