Seoul mayor elected to lead South Korea’s largest opposition party

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon has been elected the new leader of South Korea’s largest opposition party, giving the group a potential presidential candidate ahead of next year’s election..

Park, a prominent liberal and former prosecutor, bested two other candidates in a party primary Saturday to win the leadership of the People Power Party. The party was formed last year through a merger of several conservative parties and has since become the main opposition group to President Moon Jae-in’s liberal Democratic Party..

Park, who has served as Seoul mayor since 2011, is popular among many South Koreans and is seen as a potential unifier for the country’s fractured conservative bloc. He has been critical of Moon’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and other issues, but he has also expressed a willingness to cooperate with the government on matters of national importance..

In his victory speech, Park pledged to work to unite the party and to defeat Moon’s party in next year’s presidential election. He also said he would focus on improving the economy and addressing social inequality..

“We must become a party that can give hope to the people,” Park said. “We must become a party that can create a better future for all South Koreans.”.

Park’s election as leader of the People Power Party is a significant development in South Korean politics. The party has been struggling to find a strong leader since its formation last year, and Park’s popularity and experience could help to stabilize the group and make it a more formidable challenger to the ruling party..

Park is expected to face a tough challenge in next year’s presidential election. Moon’s approval ratings have been high throughout his presidency, and the Democratic Party is well-organized and has a strong base of support. But Park is a charismatic and experienced politician, and he could pose a serious threat to Moon’s re-election bid..

The presidential election is scheduled for March 2022. Park is expected to formally declare his candidacy in the coming months..

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