Pandemic Worsened Animal Welfare, Abuse in Thailand Zoos

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated animal welfare and abuse in Thailand’s zoos, with many facilities struggling to provide adequate care and protection for their captive animals, an investigation by the wildlife protection group, World Animal Protection, has found.

The group’s report, released on Tuesday, details the findings of an investigation conducted in 2022, which documented the conditions of over 1,200 animals in 12 zoos across Thailand.

The report found that many animals were living in cramped, unsanitary conditions, without adequate food or water. Some animals showed signs of malnutrition, dehydration, and disease. Others exhibited stereotypical behaviors, such as pacing or rocking, indicating psychological distress.

The investigation also uncovered evidence of animal abuse, including the use of physical punishment, such as beatings, and the use of drugs to control animals’ behavior.

The report highlights the severe impact that the pandemic has had on zoos in Thailand, many of which have been closed to visitors for extended periods, leading to a significant loss of revenue.

This has forced some zoos to cut back on staff and resources, compromising the welfare of the animals in their care. Additionally, the economic downturn has made it more difficult for zoos to purchase food and other supplies for their animals.

The report calls on the Thai government to strengthen animal welfare laws and regulations and to provide more support to zoos, especially those that are struggling financially.

It also urges the public to be more aware of the conditions in which animals are kept in zoos and to only visit facilities that prioritize animal welfare.

The World Animal Protection group has launched a petition on its website, calling on the Thai government to take action to improve the welfare of animals in zoos.

The petition has garnered over 100,000 signatures since its launch and has been endorsed by several animal welfare organizations in Thailand.

The group hopes that the petition will help to raise awareness of the issue and put pressure on the government to take action.

Animal welfare is a serious issue that requires urgent attention. The conditions in many zoos in Thailand are simply unacceptable and the animals are suffering as a result. The Thai government must take action to improve the welfare of animals in zoos and the public must be more aware of the conditions in which animals are kept in zoos. Only then can we ensure that animals are treated with the respect and compassion they deserve..

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